Idea Zone

create address search web page that either uses our date or links to property appraisers search

News article on channel 9 claims Realtors see persons house fraudulently being sold on Zillow. A real estate lawyer recommends that consumers search property appraisers’ site to see if the property is being sold by the right owner. Not all sites are created equal.

If we created a web page that either linked to the property appraisers search or used our own data base (excluding redacted and LEO) we could be a “trusted” site. On the same site offering simple searches we could show why Title Insurance and why Title searches to the public. We could also link them with a data base to search our Members to help with their sale.

If we advertised this on Social Media outlets or even in response to the article on channel 9 today, we could do this relatively cheaply while utilizing resources we already have. This could broaden our revenue if clicks led to money when they searched the Member. Or we could charge for a broader report with legal disclaimer since it is an unexamined product.

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  • Sep 17 2021
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